
注册在这里 参加竞技宝app下载周末车展的招生开放日.





Each student who has completed an application for admission and provided their high school transcript(s) and test score(s) is reviewed for eligibility to participate in the four-year Bachelor/MBA track.

入学 to the Bachelor/MBA track from high school requires one of the following conditions: 3.累积GPA (CGPA) 25分,ACT 25分/ SAT 1210分,或3分.50累积GPA (CGPA),没有考试成绩.



A transfer student may also be eligible to participate in the four-year Bachelor/MBA track if, 进入大学级别的机构, 他们总体保持了3分.25日平均绩点, earned a total of 23 credits or less (excluding Advanced Placement and dual enrollment credits) and, 高中毕业后, 符合上述标准之一.



竞技宝app下载 University seniors can enroll in graduate course(s) to be applied to both undergraduate (BBA) and graduate degree (MBA/MSOL/MSF/MSBA/MSHR) requirements.

竞技宝app下载高级学位,非学士/MBA跟踪传统学生与3.25日平均绩点或更高才有资格入学. 研究生 courses taken as part of your undergraduate degree requirements with a grade of “B” or higher will be considered for credit in MBA, MSBA, MSF和MSOL

验收条件 & 招生

Eligible students should refer to the Bachelor/MBA 验收条件 and 招生 Form for complete details. 以下是一些细节:

A student will need to complete a minimum of 120 credits including ‘overloads’ up to 19 credits during fall and spring semesters, 不需要额外费用, and/or students can complete compressed and summer classes at their own expense.

The four-year Bachelor/MBA track is only available for the 加速d 12-month MBA program located on the Midland, 密歇根大学校园.

A credit-bearing internship is required prior to starting the MBA program at the student’s own expense.

学生将需要保持至少3.每学期25 CGPA,保持在四年制学士/MBA轨道上. 如果一个学生低于3分.25 CGPA, the student will pay for any courses over 17 credits in the fall and/or spring. 一旦一个学生回到3分.25 CGPA or above, a student will be able to re-enter and resume taking free overloads. A student is allowed to leave and re-enter the four-year Bachelor/MBA track once during their academic career. 如果一个学生低于3分.25 CGPA a second time, they are no longer eligible to continue in the four-year BBA /工商管理硕士 track.

A student will attend four-year Bachelor/MBA track events/meetings as requested by DeVos 研究生 School Administration.

The MBA program tuition and fees are different than and determined separately from the bachelor’s degree program tuition and fees.

一旦毕业到四年制学士/MBA课程的MBA部分, a student is only eligible to receive the institutional aid that was offered upon acceptance to the four-year Bachelor/MBA track. A student will not be eligible for any additional DeVos 研究生 School merit scholarships or other NU institutional aid designated for undergraduate use.

The merit scholarship received from 竞技宝app下载 University may be applied a maximum of four consecutive years as long as a student remains a full-time student and maintains the required GPA for renewal. If a student opts out of the four-year Bachelor/MBA track or alters their program of study, 优秀奖学金的总额和/或分配金额可能会有所调整.


竞技宝app下载 University Academic Merit Scholarship: The academic merit scholarship you receive for each of the three years of your bachelor’s degree can also be applied during your fourth year at 竞技宝app下载 as you earn your MBA.

  • 必须保持奖学金更新的最低GPA要求.
  • All other 竞技宝app下载 scholarships and grants received during undergraduate education are not eligible for use toward the MBA.
  • Undergraduate merit scholarship cannot be applied to the MBA program if you do not complete the four-year Bachelor/MBA track.
  • DeVos 研究生 School scholarships are available for students not completing the four-year Bachelor/MBA track.
  • 商务俱乐部奖学金和私人捐赠奖学金也可提供.